COVID-19: Let us know what you think of the Government's unprecedented support for workers...

Steve Bridger

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Community Manager

20 Mar, 2020 21:07

Good evening Everyone.

In response to the Chancellor’s unprecedented package of financial measures to support workers, Peter Cheese has made the following statement:

CIPD welcomes unprecedented support for workers and urges employers to hold their nerve while funds arrive

As Peter says...

“The challenge now is the speed with which employers can access these funds to avoid redundancies being made, given it could be the end of April before they become available.

“Employers need to hold their nerve in this challenging time and make every effort where they can to retain their staff while waiting for the job retention funding to come through. Concerns over immediate cashflow and payroll challenges should be met by the business loans announced by government, which should be available in a matter of days."

I've lost count of the number of times I've uttered the word "unprecedented" in recent days. My head is spinning.

Please do let us know what you think of the latest Government announcement... and share your thoughts and concerns below.

Finally, I just wanted to say that all of us at CIPD would like you to know we stand with you at this time.

  • I wonder if anyone has an answer around other work whilst furloughed.
    I have read somewhere that a furloughed employee should not undertake voluntary or paid work with the organisation during furlough. I am looking at accessing the scheme for some staff members however some have substantive posts with the shareholder companies of the organisation that I work for. As this is affiliated to the organisation would they then not qualify for the scheme?
  • I wonder if anyone has an answer around other work whilst furloughed.
    I have read somewhere that a furloughed employee should not undertake voluntary or paid work with the organisation during furlough. I am looking at accessing the scheme for some staff members however some have substantive posts with the shareholder companies of the organisation that I work for. As this is affiliated to the organisation would they then not qualify for the scheme?
  • In reply to Samantha:

    If the companies are "associated" then working for any of them would almost certainly be considered to breach furlough conditions, as they are essentially the same employer.
  • In reply to Peter:

    Many thanks Peter, as I suspected but needed to hear from someone else also!
  • Hello. I have been working in a coffee shop since October 2019. I have been laid off as since 20 March 2020. Our manager told us that we are not going to be furlough during this time by saying only no. So go to apply to Universal Credit and Guarante Pay. Is it possible something like that?
    Most of us claim this situation to ACAS and HMRC. Do you think we can get our rights through this way? What can we do? Help us please.
  • In reply to Sibel:

    Hi Sibel. Welcome to "Communities"

    You cannot apply to HMRC to be furloughed yourself, it must be done by the employer, but you certainly can (and should) seek advice from ACAS. There seems no reason not to use furlough if you meet the necessary criteria which you seem to.

    It may be that some small employers are not keen to become involved in discussions with HMRC, but that should not be allowed to affect you.
