Right to work in the UK


Could I ask for your advice/help with regards our intern recruitment.

Our intern recruitment is performed across all our legal entities which spans from the south coast up to the midlands.

Our recruitment team is centrally based and for our intern recruitment we just adminster hte process and the local hiring manager conducts the interview.

Our understanding with the right to work check is that you have to check the original document with the actual person i.e. face to face and then certify it as a true copy.  For intern recruitment we hoped our Hiring Managers would perform this task.  This doesn't happen robustly and we had a safety net process whereby we would double check at induction.

Is there any guidance out there on how other companies are performing checks for candidates at remote sites, are you using hiring managers?  are you using another rmethod or system to support?  If so how are you doing it.

Any ideas much appreciated.

  • I have always used local hiring managers. If they don't do it then like any other failure that potentially can lead to legal action against the company its a management then potentially a disciplinary offence.
  • My previous organisation had a central HR function and staff at remote sites across the UK - we also used local hiring managers and it was very clear that if we hadn't received a copy of the right to work documents, authenticated as copies of the original by the relevant manager, the individual didn't start. The manager also had the responsibility of telling the individual too.

    Sometimes 'safety nets' mean that managers will let the net take the strain
  • Hi Paula

    There is no alternative to the checking face to face process - the legislation does not have any loopholes. I have had to tell people to hire through agencies if there was no one actually physically present to carry out the checks at remote sites. However, in the situation you describe, you do actually have people on the ground to carry out proper checks, so what is stopping them? Sounds like they need a stern talking to....
  • Like Teresa, if the documents are not in order then the individual can't start. Or if a rogue manager lets them start, then they don't get paid until we have the docs!!