Company Data Request

Hello I am wondering if companies wouldn't mind sharing with me what their ratio of male to female workers they have as a percentage. We are looking at how our company compares.

Thank you in advance.

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    24 May, 2017 12:22

    Hi Amy,

    Surely you need to let us know what kind of business you are?

    Could this be part of Gender Pay Reporting?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve I am in Manufacturing. This request is not for gender pay reporting but a separate query.
  • Amy

    With respect the data you gather here will be almost entirely meaningless.

    It will vary widely based on sector and size of organisation - the answers you get from say the Hotel or catering industry or say childcare or education will be totally different to say Manufacturing, construction or the army.

    You would be better to look at the data available on the ONS website and try and hone down on both your sector and geography as far as possible which might give you a better answer - however I am not sure it will even then illuminate greatly.

    Why do you think you have an issue in this area and what benefit do you think you will get from being closer to the national average for your sector?
  • In reply to Keith:

    Crossed with earlier answers but still stands ;-)
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith thanks for your reply. The VP of our organisation has asked for the information. I will change my request for sector relevant organisations :)
  • Please can only manufacturing companies reply. Thank you
  • In reply to Amy:

    You will be far better looking at the ONS data sets :-)
  • In reply to Keith:

    Agree with Keith
    You will get much more complete data from the ONS site, and most importantly, a full set of historical data........ which will also smooth out spot measurements by using a relevant time series