CIPD Level 3 or Level 5?

Hi, I am currently looking to study towards a CIPD qualification but am unsure which level to start at.  I have worked for a large courier company as a HR Administrator for the past 6 years dealing mainly with administrative tasks but have been advised by ICS Learn to go straight In at level 5!  This seems to be based on the fact that I have worked within a HR environment for 6 years even though looking at the course content, there are areas I have no experience of.  I'm not sure if they push level 5 because it is a lot more expensive or I will genuinely be wasting my time doing level 3 but as I will be funding my own learning I want to make the right decision.  I also haven't studied within the past 20 years since leaving school .

  • Hi Linsey,

    I am doing my Level 5, and my daughter’s just finished her Level 3. Given your work experience I think you’ll find the 3 too easy and feel dissatisfied with your progress, whereas with the 5 you’ll be stretched and challenged. Also, having done the 3 you will probably then want to progress to the 5 which means another set of payments.

    But there is also the question of being able to study at any level, a lot of which is down to your confidence. To get back into the mindset you might first like to look at the OpenLearn and FutureLearn courses, both run by the Open University and offering free online courses in a variety of subjects.

    FYI, I’m studying with Avado, who (so far...) I have been pleased with. Good luck!

  • I agree with this reply. It is a lot to pay and if you have been working in HR admin already you should find new work opprtunities quite easily without a qualification. Level 5 shows you are keen to progress and a quailfication would enhance your career prospects. Does your company not offer CPD opportunities that you can apply for an would they not give you the opportunity for further work challenge to put the studying to good use. You have nothing to lose by asking. Good luck!
  • I would always suggest going as high as you can and not wasting time doing a low level qualification
  • I was lucky in that my studies were funded by my employer. However, my manager at the time did not recognise CIPD as a valued qualification and would only fund level 3, although I had ten years experience under my belt. I therefore studied level 3 but have gone from that to level 7 which I'm due to complete in January. I also hadn't studied for many years and level 3 was a good way to get back into it and to develop my written work. Whichever level you decide on it will be worthwhile. I'm sure you will be surprised at how much you already know and put into practice.
  • In reply to Jackie:

    Hello Jackie,
    Whate are the recomended books for all levels 3, 5 & 7.
    Can you please tell me about your learning experience for each level.