Mental health support training


Does your organisation offer training to managers in how to support staff with their mental health - eg if they have anxiety or depression, or in how to prevent excessive stress?

If so, how did you choose your training provider?


  • Hi Hannah

    Yes we do - we use Adviser Plus - they are a national leader in disability confidence and the sessions were very good.

  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith,
    How did you get to hear of them?
  • In reply to Hannah :

    I have used them in the past for other ER related activity.
  • My old organisation had trained mental health first aiders throughout the company, who were available to provide support through MHFA England. We also used our EAP provider to run some sessions and our local branch of Mind (which is good because they benefit from the fee to support their charity work).
  • Hi Hannah

    HR at the Greater London Authority offer Building Personal Resilience training, a stress policy, EAP, and links to resources aswell as Dignity at Work Training.

    The Mayor and selected senior staff have undertaken MHFA.

    We've also ran training for MHFA specifically for young people.
    At a previous role we worked with Rethink to deliver mental health awareness training to organisations in North East London, including NHS orgs.


    Nathan Winch
    Health Team
    Greater London Authority
  • Hi Hannah, we are using Health Working Lives to help improve awareness of Mental Health in the workplace and my colleague and I are attending Mental Health First Aider training over the next 2 weeks and then look at how we use our knowledge going forward.
  • Hi Hannah, we have had Mind come into one site and we have them booked in for other sites to give training to managers on understanding mental health in the workplace.
    We will also be giving our first aiders mental health awareness trainer if they wish to take it up.
  • Hi Hannah. We worked with MIND and ACAS to develop a programme of mental health training which will be delivered by our in house trainers.