Maternity Benefit

Hi All, 

I am currently reviewing the Maternity benefit for my organisation (FMCG) as it offers a different entitlements to more senior grades, and we would like to streamline this so everyone gets the same benefit and entitlement. Currently we offer 6 months full pay for senior grades and 6 weeks for everyone else. 

I am pretty new in the Reward role so still establishing forums etc that I can tap into. 

Would anyone be willing to share what maternity benefits their company offers including the type of industry they are from, or know of any free reward forums I could partake in to get this information quickly? 

Thank you!


  • Hi Rukaiya and welcome to the forums.

    You'll find that people will be more likely to share information with you if you start by outling what you do at your company. Could you post a brief description of your current practices?
  • In reply to Ray:

    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for the advice. We currently offer 6 months full pay for more senior grades and 6 weeks full pay for everyone else.

    I will also re-post with this information.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Sep, 2017 15:29

    In reply to Rukaiya Chinoy:

    Welcome to the Community, Rukaiya Chinoy.

    I've just added this info to the opening post and delated the duplicate post.
  • Hi Rukaiya, how did you get on with feedback on other maternity pay schemes. I'm also looking at enhancing our maternity pay and was looking for some examples of schemes from other employers, particularly in the IT industry.
    Many thanks,