Recommendations for an HR Information System for an SME

We are an SME with nearly 200 employees and are looking to introduce a new HR Information System this year.  We are hoping to find a system that allows for easy workflow, data storage and report creation.  We would also want to be able to track our recruitment, training and all performance management processes on there.

I have done some research but would also welcome any recommendations from anybody in a similar sized company.

Thanks in advance!

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    20 Mar, 2017 10:38

    Hi Claire Elizabeth... and welcome to the Community!

    This gets asked at regular intervals, so do search for "HR Systems for SME" (or variations) which should pick up many previous threads.
  • Hi Claire

    I work in an SME of about 100 people and we're probably going to be bringing in People HR shortly.

    I used it briefly in my previous company as a business we acquired already had it in place, although we didn't keep it because we has internal software that did a lot of the things already so it was a bit obsolete.

    However, at my current company we don't have anything in place at the moment so I think that software will work fine for us. It's very good for storing all personnel information, and you can run queries to find out things like when appraisals are due, who is yet to book in all of their holiday etc. Although we'll be getting the basic package, there's also add-ons that you can get such as an ATS.

    I signed up for a free trial of it so that I could show it to my MD. If you're not familiar with it that could be a good idea to see if it would be the right thing for you.

    Other than that, the only other system I've used is Sage HR, which I'm not a fan of at all.
  • In reply to Victoria:

    Thanks, I'll give it a look
  • In reply to Claire Elizabeth:

    Hi Claire

    I am doing the same research and will / have been looking at: Bamboo, My HR toolkit and Breathe HR in addition to People HR. Breathe requires a fixed holiday year for all employees so I have ruled it out on that basis alone (we have a different holiday year for each employee). Bamboo has been recommended but I haven't had the time to sign up to any of the free trials yet. Hope this helps!
  • Hi Claire,

    I work for an SME with approx 70 employees and we've been using PeopleHR for almost two years now.

    All of our staff find it extremely easy to navigate, along with having functions such as ATS, Performance, Expenses, Workflow options and the ability to pull off reports.

    Kind Regards