Communication of HR Data

Hi All,

I am creating a HR infographics for our company to communicate our data in a more visual way on a monthly basis, I have some of the usual data around headcount, open roles. leavers, attrition, promotions. However, I have been asked to research what other type of data could be shown. Employees have indicated they are keen to known the movements around roles and leavers, which is one of the reasons to include this. 

Does anyone have any other suggestions on data that was communicated with employees that they felt was really appreciated on a monthly basis? 

Thanks in advance! Look forward to hearing suggestions.

  • Hi Julie, welcome to the communities. Figures for training courses springs to mind, such as the number of courses run during the specified period, percentage of those who did/did not attend (great one for those perishers who insist in not turning up), etc. If you have problems with getting employees to complete appraisals on time perhaps the percentage of those returned/not returned could help at the appropriate time. Also - depending on your industry sector - could you include accidents at work (which will hopefully be zero). This was something displayed publicly at one of my employers which was a manufacturing site.