** Our new Community app - now ready for you to download **

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

28 Oct, 2019 11:01

Drumroll…. we have been testing our new mobile app for the past few weeks and we think it is now ready to be released into the wild!

Having re-launched the 16-year old Community 4 years ago we've seen use rocket across all member grades. While we designed it to be mobile-friendly we noticed earlier this year that mobile traffic was well over 40% of all visits and this pushed us to aim for a better member experience by building a dedicated mobile app.

It will be a gentle roll out and current community members are the first to be invited to download the app onto your phone and to give it a whirl. The aim has been to keep the app relatively simple and provide you with a way to catch up with Community discussions on the go. I like to think of it as the Community ‘in your pocket’!

You can also access a convenient digital version of your membership card via the app – another reason to download it!

Simply search for "CIPD Community" on the app stores.

As you would expect, there is an iOS version for iPhone and an Android version.

The first time you use the app you will need to log in using the same details you use to access your CIPD online account (i.e. how you access the Community on your desktop). This is particularly important if you are a CIPD member and wish to be able to view your membership card within the app.

There is more information about the app on this page.

I’ve been working on this with a project team at the CIPD on and off since the Spring and I hope you like what we have done and will find it useful - particularly when you’re commuting or away from your desk and want to catch up on what’s topical on any given day. As on the desktop, you will receive notifications when someone replies to your posts or creates a new discussion in a forum you are following. You will be able to post, reply and ‘like’ comments… and whatever you do will of course be reflected on the desktop version: it’s the same Community.

As with all apps, this is only a first release. We’re aware of one or two very minor issues, which we are continuing to work on… but nothing at all that should affect how you use the app… but please do tell me what you think.

There are a few things you will not be able to do on the app that you might be used to doing when using the Community on the desktop. For example:

  • You will not be able to send private messages to other community members.
  • You will not yet be able to change your profile photo.
  • Search within the app

If the app proves successful, we will continue to improve functionality and add features in future releases.

If at any time when using the app you have any ideas for further developments please keep me posted via: cipdcommunitymobile@cipd.co.uk

That’s enough from me… please download the app!


  • The membership card feature is great.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    28 Oct, 2019 11:28

    In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    That took some work. I think a lot of members will find that feature very useful.
  • This looks great. If only it would recognise my log in details :-(
  • Just dowloaded. Looks good
  • Well I’m logged in but not with the email I use when I log in on the computer. Strange but this does look good
  • Ben

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    28 Oct, 2019 16:29

    In reply to Gemma:

    Hi Gemma, I have had a look at your account details and triggered an update to sync systems, can I confirm, are you logging in with the email address containing 'safran'? This email is attached to your account in the community and should work on both the desktop and mobile app versions. Please try again to log in with this on the app and let us know if it doesn't work.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    28 Oct, 2019 16:41

    I'd be especially keen to hear that your digital membership card is appearing as you'd expect.
  • Hi, yes I figured out that was what I was going wrong after I had posted the first time. It threw me as it's not the email I usually log in with but all ok now. And Steve I can confirm that my membership card all looks good. Great idea!
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Oh good news! I've been thinking for ages I'd like an app for the forum.

    Membership card looks good.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    29 Oct, 2019 13:40

    Keep the feedback coming, folks!
  • Hi Steve - only one suggestion. Wnen replying to a post using Iphone 6 only 1-2 lines of the reply
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve
    Good to be able to access/consult new posts quickly. Sadly, using iPhone6 not enough visible space to manage composing a reply (max 1-1.5 lines visible). I had to leave the app to be able to comfortably compose this rep’y
  • Hi Steve

    Is there a minimum iOS version required for it to appear in the search?  I've searched while on both WiFi and on data, and get no returns, just an ad - e.g:

    For reference I'm on iOS 11.2.1 on an iPhone SE.



  • Ben

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    30 Oct, 2019 15:42

    In reply to Owen:

    Hi Owen, unfortunately this app will only work with iOs 12.0 or later. My understanding is that you can install iOs version 12, or even the latest version of iOs - 13.1.2 - on an iPhone SE, so if you update the iOs you should be able to find and install the Community app. However, the iPhone SE has a smaller screen than later models, so I would be interested to get your feedback on how the app displays and functions on your model iPhone.
  • In reply to Ben:

    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm not keen to upgrade my iOS as I've seen a lot of evidence online suggesting it'll really impact the battery drain (e.g. discussions.apple.com/.../250755543

    Cheers anyway!
