Re-inducting Employees

Hi all!

My company is currently looking at our Induction process & in particular how often we should be re-inducting staff.  Having tried to search for best practice in relation to this I am struggling to obtain any decent information.  Does anyone have any experience in this area or links to where I can find some ideas re this?

  • Hi Konrad, welcome to the communities. Does 're-inducting' refer to existing employees whereby they revisit the induction (or part of) received at the start of their service? If so this is something I've not come across and that may shed some light on the lack of available information.
  • In reply to Clare Marie:

    Congrats on the 3000th post Claire Marie

    But I too havent ever come across a systematic re-induction of employees

    Its reasonably common to have some sort of annual conference in smaller organisations that reinforce the culture etc but that may well be different

    I would be fascinated to know what the content would be and what problem you are trying to solve?
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    16 Oct, 2018 17:18

    In reply to Clare Marie:

    @Clare - thank you for being only the 7th member of this Community to reach 3,000 posts!! Thank you so much on behalf of all of us here at CIPD Towers for all the time you have put in over many years. You're a star :)
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    16 Oct, 2018 17:19

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Crossed with Keith (another of the Magnificent Seven)
  • A lot of companies in regulated industries (finance and healthcare mainly) will have regular compliance training which is done on joining and then repeated on a regular basis? Is this the sort of thing you were thinking?

    In Financial Services, anti-money laundering and anti-financial crime training and other compliance revalidation is completed annually online.

    Healthcare professionals usually have to re-validate some of their training (emergency resuscitation and infection control) on an annual basis - I think this is usually 2 years?

    It might depend on your industry and what compulsory training you require employees to have completed.
  • In reply to Lesley:

    I too have never ever heard of ‘re-induction’, One induction, at the beginning, might be a necessary evil but striving to repeat the process sounds to me like too much of a bad thing. Once induction is completed, surely the usual on the job learning process is gradual and experiential, supplemented as needs be (maybe diagnostically?) by ad hoc learning programmes and  / or bespoke learning events.

    Workplace learning thus is one thing and tends to be or should be lifelong and continuous, but induction surely is something very specific and different?

  • Thanks for your replies re this.

    The Directors of the company basically want all staff re-inducted after a set number of years to read over policies & ensure they are understood, make sure the details we hold on each individual staff member are up-to-date, re-emphasise emergency procedures etc.

    We also had a Minor non-compliance on a previous audit which stated "There is no documented period for reinducting/rebriefing personnel."

    We were thinking of documenting somewhere between 3 & 5 years & with no real info available on this area we will probably go for that.
  • It sounds more like an update session for existing staff, which could be an annual event going through policies and procedures which have changed as well as a state-of-the-nation type update on the business. You can also do online training that incorporates reading your (existing/updated) policy, to ensure that everyone has a proper awareness of something they need to follow - we do this for safeguarding and data protection for example.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith! :-)
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve, I hadn't realised I had achieved this landmark. Wow ...