Furlough and maternity leave

We have a member of staff who has  been in her current role for 1.5 years and is expecting a baby in September. She qualifies for the full maternity package offered  (18 weeks full pay, then Statutory Maternity Pay for a further 21 weeks). 

We are now considering placing this staff member on furlough

Could this affect her maternity leave and pay, which will start in early September. The usual criteria for Statutory Maternity Pay, is that you have to have worked for your employer continuously for at least 41 weeks before the expected week of childbirth, earning on average at least £118 per week. 
Would she still be counted as "employed" during the period of furlough, would the income from the government furlough scheme be counted as "earnings"
Many thanks for any advice you can offer;
  • Of course she will have continuity of employment so is fully entitled
    the more interesting question is at what rate and I would only do it on 100% of real pay not subsidised
  • Hi Sarah, sorry to jump on the back of your question, but I think I am asking the same thing. If a staff member has been furloughed prior to going on maternity leave do we know if the calculation is 90% of furloughed salary (at 80%) or 90% of actual salary prior to furlough? The business has no income and is not in a position to pay 100% salary. Thanks
  • In reply to Cath:

    IMHO it is 90% of actual prior to furlough
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Thanks Peter, much appreciated. That's what we are hoping but wasn't sure until we saw how it works on the portal....
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Thank you so much Peter, I appreciate your help. Would the same apply to pension contributions, based on 100% of real pay, not subsidised?