Welcome to our forum on evidence-based HR


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CIPD Staff

25 May, 2017 14:50


At the CIPD, we firmly believe that HR should be principles led, evidence based and outcomes driven. We have set up this forum as a place to support this vision, focusing on strengthening the links between evidence and practice. As with any online forum, it will doubtless evolve in its own way, but there are three broad questions we hope the forum will address:

  • How can people management be more evidence based and what will it gain? It’s worth examining what we mean by evidence-based practice (EBP), the risks of taking a relaxed approach to evidence and conversely, the gains of a more systematic approach. We also need to consider the practical steps that can be taken towards EBHR and the challenges we face in doing so.
  • How can research be more outcomes driven? Evidence-based practice contains a challenge for researchers and academics as well as practitioners. For practitioners to engage with the best quality evidence, research needs to be relevant, accessible, practically usable. What are the good examples of this and how can we build on them?
  • What is the best available evidence on X? As well as discussing EBHR as an approach, we hope this forum will also help people put it to work, through discussions of specific topics in HR and related fields. Where is the best quality evidence on what works? What are the important factors of influence? And how should we interpret and apply this evidence?

Interest in evidence-based practice is growing apace in the domain of people management. Its value for HR is ever more widely appreciated and there appears to be a growing understanding of what constitutes good quality evidence and how to draw on it. Therein lies a fantastic opportunity to firmly embed the principles in how we work. Excellent work has already been done to promote EBHR. Of particular note is the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa), which the CIPD has been partnering with. But others, including HR Magazine, the CIPD’s Work. and the website Science for Work are all playing important parts.

So I hope you’ll find – and help make – this forum a stimulating, grounded, encouraging and above all useful place for you to discuss EBHR. We hope it will be a big tent, bringing together researchers and practitioners to think through the implications of being evidence based.

Ultimately it’s all about the outcomes; about using evidence to make better decisions. I hope you agree it’s a hugely worthwhile aim.


  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    25 May, 2017 15:05

    So I hope you’ll find – and help make – this forum a stimulating, grounded, encouraging and above all useful place for you to discuss EBHR. We hope it will be a big tent, bringing together researchers and practitioners to think through the implications of being evidence based.

    Here, here. Good stuff, Jonny.

  • Hello everyone,
    As a passionate but slight obsessive of evidence-based practice, it is awesome to have a facility like this forum to spread the word, share ideas, and support fellow practitioners, students, supporters and anyone else who may have an interest in this area.

    There's lots of misconceptions about what being an evidence-based HR practitioner means with some people not being aware of the premise at all, and some being fearful or concerned with it being a complex development of HR practice - there really is no need to be fearful and I look forward to this forum helping to educate and stimulate debate around its use. I'm really looking forward to getting directly involved in those discussions myself and learning lots too.

    Huge credit to the CIPD, CEBMA and others who continue to promote EBHR, something I remain convinced will support and be at the forefront of the continued evolution of the HR profession.

  • In reply to Mark:

    Evidence based HR is critical to our credibility as a profession and we all need to be comfortable with the approach. This forum is a great way of getting into the evidence based mindset. It will help spark conversations, reflection and action. get involved.Its good to start with the stuff that makes us scratch our heads and wonder, "how do we know that works or is working in that way. In my research role for example I was interested in where the evidence was for coaching. there seem to be a lot of flaky commercially based surveys and small unrepresentative case studies, which allocated all the improvement to coaching. It turns out that the evidence coaching having an impact is from another but related field. Anyway i will share that if you share your favourite HR head scratcher.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    25 May, 2017 17:51

    In reply to John McGurk:

    Tease ;)
  • Jonny

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    CIPD Staff

    25 May, 2017 18:47

    In reply to John McGurk:

    Please do share It John. Look forward to hearing more from you here. Cheers
  • In reply to John McGurk:

    Wondering if you're gonna say elite sports coaching (which people often do). I looked into this a little myself a while ago:

  • In reply to Mark:

    I agree with all Mark - and of course you must take the credit for actually getting the discussion started that led to this forum.
  • Jonny

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    CIPD Staff

    26 May, 2017 12:18

    In reply to Rob:

    Well said. Brilliant initiative from you Mark
  • In reply to Jonny:

    Ah, you guys!
  • Great to see this happening and honored to see ScienceForWork as one of the important players in moving HR and people mangement from opinion-based arguments to evidence-based discussions!
  • Jonny

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    CIPD Staff

    30 May, 2017 13:07

    In reply to Mark:

    Great encouragement from Jane Watson @TalentVanguard
    First up in her 'Other great stuff worth checking out' is:
    "CIPD Evidence Based HR Forum – The moves towards evidence based practice that CIPD is making are fascinating and (in my view) visionary. The ongoing existential crisis that HR grapples with may be soothed somewhat by a focus on building stronger professional competencies in problem identification, information and evidence assessment, and decision making. This is good for HR."
  • Hello everyone,

    I am deligthed to take part to this useful forum, particularly thankful to all those who developed this intiative - Mark, Jonny, Steve. I am Editor at ScienceForWork, a small team aiming to make relevant and useful science accessible to practitioners. The ultimate goal might be contribute changing people's attitude towards evidence, and enabling the change towards an evidence-based approach when making decisions.

    I am convinced that ideas and questions emerging from this forum will play an important role in orienting and strengthening our collective efforts.

    Looking forward to contributing!

  • Just wanted to add how important are education and training in evidence-based management for fresh graduates and young professionals in the HR field. For me, the questions in bold are key drivers in my professional development.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    1 Jun, 2017 11:20

    Apologies... I've just spotted three or four posts which had been stuck in the moderation queue, which I have now approved. (An over-zealous 'filter').

    Thanks to Liam for the prompt!

  • Well better late than never, I guess - just when this forum came on stream I got a bit submerged with work, but it is so good to see our discussions going back a few months have led to what looks like a vibrant dynamic new community around a hugely important concept. Evidence based management will only gain in importance over the years to come, and I am very pleased to be part of the discussion. Thanks to Mark and Jonny for making it happen!