Resignation and maternity

Hi, Can you help me with this? I have a manager who resigned 3 months ago (on a 3 month notice period) however has recently discovered she is pregnant therefore asked if her notice period can be extended until September - when her baby is due. The employee has long tenure with the company therefore we are happy to extend the resignation period However the role is no longer needed so there isn’t an option to keep the employee on beyond September. So my question is. If we allow the employee to remain with us on an extended resignation period how does maternity pay work? I’m guessing the employee would not be entitled to 90% salary for 6 weeks, is this correct? Would the employee just go straight to statutory maternity pay only? Thanks in advance :-)
  • If the employee is employed by you at the qualifying week then you pay them SMP. The fact that they are on notice isn’t relevant.

    Therefore consider the full costs of what you are agreeing to.