Re-invigorating a Staff Consultative Group

Hello All,

I have been tasked with re-invigorating our staff consultative group. In an ideal world this group would communicate events throughout the business to their constituents, bring forward any ideas regarding staff facilities, staff welfare etc. I feel that one of the reasons this wasn't a success previously was that we haven't got the buy in from our managers. I believe some representatives didn't feel they were able to work on projects, there is also confusion on what a representative is allowed to do and what is expected. I am hoping I can educate managers and representatives with briefings as well as a job description to ensure expectations and the scope of the role is defined. I feel that another step would be to make the SCG more visible throughout the company such as representative pictures on the intranet, department representatives mentioned during company inductions etc. Once I have promotional material and have educated the managers I would like to start inviting people for nominations for their departments as we currently have vacancies.

I welcome any suggestions / words of advise if you have been in a similar situation. I would really like to make this a success and if anybody would be willing to share material their company uses or give me some pointers I would really appreciate it.

Many Thanks,


  • There are two big problems with these bodies which need addressing
    Firstly how much can they decide.
    Secondly how does it fit with existing communication methods and specifically line managers.
    You have to find the answers to these issues
  • You've got some good ideas there, I think. I hope it goes well for you. Hope to hear about how you're getting on in due course.
  • In reply to Hannah :

    Hi Laina

    You mention facilities and welfare: if discussion topics typically involve such as who cleans the amenity room sink or makes the tea and coffee then the Forum is never going to have much if any real life.

    Such groups really need to have significant 'salience' to the working lives of staff. So need to discuss topics that are *important* to them. Usually, there will be some conflict / disagreement involved in such matters, and within reason the more excitement etc the better. But it has to be perceived as constructive debate and discussion: otherwise people will see it as just some kind of useless fighting arena.

    As has been said, top management support and genuine and demonstrable participation is usually essential to getting anywhere.