Employee recalled from furlough but stuck abroad due to travel restrictions

Hi all

I have an employee who has been recalled from furlough but has since made contact to say that he is stuck abroad due to travel restrictions and therefore unable to attend work. My immediate reaction is that he would have to take unpaid leave. However, the little conscience on my right shoulder keeps telling me that although he is technically unavailable to for work, the travel issue could be seen as mitigating circumstances.  

I would be most grateful for any thoughts on this.

Many thanks in advance

  • Out of interest when did he go abroad and were you aware he was overseas during this period ?
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith
    I'm not entirely sure but he worked right up to the day before the factory shut and we sent everyone home. Letters confirming furlough status sent the following day
  • In reply to Sarah:

    In which case I would be rather less sympathetic as he traveled after the enormity of the crisis was clear
  • In reply to Keith:

    Agree with Keith
    I would give him the choice between unpaid absence or deduction from holiday entitlement.
  • In reply to Ray:

    One of our clients have a carer who went on honeymoon and got stuck. She cannot work remotely! They are saying it is due to coronavirus and paying furlough pay.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Again, I agree with Keith. Presumably in your furlough letter to staff you told them they had to remain available for work? He's chosen to not remain available for work, so technically he's not on furlough. You could allow him to book holiday for some of the time he's unable to report for work, or it would otherwise have to be unpaid leave.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Thank you all. I have since spoken to the individual and he has agreed to take unpaid leave. Surprisingly he was quite understanding.
    Thanks again