Pestle analysis question - thoughts needed

I'm currently finishing my level 5 qualification and writing an assignment that includes pestle analysis I have identified the external factors I feel are relevant to me and discussed these areas and why but I now have a point to answer that asks for linkages between the factors and other issues but I'm not clear as to what this means and what it's asking for exactly. Does anyone have any insight or thoughts as to what this may be asking?

thank you 

  • Hi Kimberley,

    OK, without seeing the whole question I would suggest it’s something along the lines of this:

    Lets say I have a plumbing business. I employ a lot of Polish plumbers so Brexit would be in my political analysis - it’s possible that I could lose my workforce. Brexit also links in to economical - goods may become very expensive or unobtainable. For me, the uncertainty over Brexit is a big deal.

    Lets say I have a wedding planning business. It’s run locally, my workforce are all UK citizens, I don’t hold stock, so for me Brexit isn’t a consideration. My political problem is if it’s decided to put the living wage up I would have problems meeting my current wage bill. This could also affect economics as the venues I use will also have to put their prices up to meet their wage bills, which will make my prices higher. This shows a link between my political and economics analysis; the ‘other issues’ here is actually Brexit. Whilst there is little connection between me and Brexit, hospitality relies heavily on European workers. If they cannot work here, the venues I use will have problems with staffing which could mean closures, much higher prices charged so they can attract UK staff, and so on...

    I think this is what they mean - does it make sense to you?
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Hi Teresa, thank you this actually does make alot of sence, it helps alot as i think i was having trouble trying to find the connections, i was thinking too much of an office environment. Thank you