Centres' Extranet

Hi you long-suffering HR professionals,

I don't know if like me you're struggling with the new zingy, wowie (b**** awful) website.

I would like to start a campaign to give us back our old Centres Extranet. I am trying to write a programme for CHRM (L5) to no avail. Heaven knows where the assignments have gone. In fact, I'm not even sure where anything has gone. I'm not interested (at this moment) in threads or discussions or blogs. I am resorting to this out of sheer frustration.

I am in the mood to exercise my all purpose management technique at Wimbledon (banned by my wife and the civiised world) - line 'em up (fill in the rest yourself).

Any offers of help would be much appreciated.

David Moss

  • Hi David

    Sorry you're not a fan of the Centres' Hub (which replaced the old centres' extranet last year). Happy to give you a guided tour whenever suits you.

    But to get you what you need for now you'll need to go to the Hub - http://centreshub.cipd.co.uk - and log in using either the City of Bath College centres login or your own login details.
    Once you're in you can click on the 'Qualifications' group (then Foundation, Intermediate etc) for the relevant programme specifications. Or if you want the assignments click on the 'Exams and Assessments' group and you'll find them in there.

    I'd also recommend using the 'Search Centres' Hub' function in the middle of the page if you know what you're looking for. Ie. searching for the module name (or part of it) will bring up all relevant results including specs and assignments.

    Like I say, happy to give you a guided tour though. Just call up CIPD (020 8612 6200) and ask for Tony in the Qualifications team.

    Hope this helps! Good luck.
  • In reply to Tony:

    Hi David
    Clicking the link in your post results in the message 'Unfortunately, the page you've requested no longer exists.'. Please can you supply an alternative link?
    Best wishes,
  • In reply to Gary:

    Anyone help? Or point in the right direction where resources such as module descriptors and readings lists for units can noe be found?

    Many thanks
  • In reply to Davina:

    Hi Davina
    You should be able to find the unit descriptions in the Qualifications area on the Centres Hub - www2.cipd.co.uk/.../qualifications . Click into the level you're looking for and you can select the qualification specification you need to download. This has all the unit summaries, learning outcomes and reading lists included in it.
    Hope this helps.
  • In reply to Tony:

    A belated thanks - is there an idiot's guide to the website. I've been trying to find the online journals - and you've guessed it - nothing doing. The Harvard Business Review doesn't exist. I would love to know who you used for trialling the new website!
  • In reply to Tony:

    Hi Tony - this link seems to be defunct? Could you point us in the right direction?