P45 - Sending electronically

I have just departed a business that sent out your P45 and payslips electronically and on arrival at my new post if find they send out P45 in paper form.  I have searched HMRC and found nothing that suggests it cannot be done, however I understand that I may have responses that say data protection.  Regardless I would be grateful for any information which states that this cannot be done.

  • Hi Nick

    Are you asking if it is still ok to send out tax documents on paper? If so, it certainly is. I'm not clear on what you mean by your mention of data protection. A bit more detail might get you some more responses.
  • Data protection covers both electronic/digital information along with paper records. It doesn't really matter how its done - as long as its secure as need be.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Hi Elizabeth, no sorry I was really asking if sending P45's electronically was a issue.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Hi David, I was probably not clear enough in my question but thank you for your reply. My question was is sending P45's by email a problem or wrong? Clearly the maintaining of data protection is the required in both forms.
  • In reply to Nick:

    Our payroll provider recently switched us to a portal so that employees could access their own payslips and P45s - they suggested that this would be complaint with GDPR. I have not challenged this as to be honest the new system works for us....We have previously sent them by post or electronically (password protected) normally with employee consent at the time to either method.