Level 3 or 5?

Looking for opinions from people who have done either course.

I have a degree in Business Studies, and then went onto be a personnel manager for a retail store for 2 years. I then left this to work in the insurance industry, however I am looking to have a career in HR therefore want to do my CIPD, I am unsure which level would be best for me.

As I say, I have a Business degree and a little experience in HR but only 2 years, and I am only 24. I have had a 3 year break from doing any HR work, although I am confident I could pick it back up. I don't know whether it would be best to start with my level 3, however a few people have told me they feel I could manage level 5.

Would welcome your thoughts on this, if anyone could share their feelings on either course. This would be part time as well as keeping on my full time job, but not bothered about this as I have little commitments apart from that.

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Elaine

    I finished my level 3 last year with DGP and I struggled, not with the content but just with finding the time as I have 2 small tasmanian devils, I mean boys, and the discipline (and keeping my word count down on the assignments!). In hindsight I would have pushed myself a bit more and gone for the level 5 as I'm told the level 5 isn't much higher in terms of difficulty level.

    My boys are a bit easier to handle now so I'm currently umming and ahhhing about doing my level 5. I'll probably go for it. Just need to find the £3k from somewhere!
  • With your degree and HR experience in retail I would do level 5
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Hi Elaine,

    I would like to ask, how difficult is level 3? because I'm planning to do this course soon, and your recommendation please for the study.