Probationary periods - Whats the norm?


Can anyone advise on what is best practice or the done thing, in terms of duration of time stated for a probationary period in an employee contract? My organisation currently makes use of a 3 month probationary period. However we have had a few occasions recently whereby due to the up and down nature of our work, we have felt it has not been quite long enough to really judge and the company has extended the probation period rather than pass the employee first time around. This doesn't do a great deal to help them settle into the company personally and professionally, and may have implications for how committed they feel to the company in the long term.

I think if we had a little bit longer then the employee could prove themselves fully, they could then be passed first time around and this would be better for their own morale and confidence in the role. 

A director has suggested as long as 6 months for probation. Does anyone know of any reason, legal or not, that we couldn't do a 4, 5 or even 6 month probation period? 6 months seems a little long but 4 months could potentially be beneficial for all.
