Confusing message about open access!

Hi - Steve, I'm hoping you can help with this - it may be affecting others too, for all we know. 

When I look up specific subjects I get the message: ' You are only seeing open access search results, if you were a CIPD member, you could be accessing so much more'.  However, a check demonstrates that I am, in fact, logged in - or at least that's what it tells me.  Should I ignore the message?  Am I getting the open access results or the 'so much more' results?!  Can you help, please, or is it a glitch to be resolved?  Thanks!

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    11 Oct, 2017 11:12

    Thanks for 'flagging' this, Anne Holden Read. Not something I've noticed or that has been reported before, but I will investigate (now) and come back to you.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks, Steve. Much appreciated.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    11 Oct, 2017 20:10

    In reply to Anne Holden Read:

    OK, Anne... I can't replicate this, so I think it will be something to do with the changes we made last month to make it easier to log in to the Community.

    In theory, anyway.

    If you follow that link and follow the instructions to log out of the CIPD website... clear your web browser cache / history... and log back in again - I reckon you will see all the search results.

    Could you try that perhaps?

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi, Steve. Many thanks for looking into it. I've tried what you suggested but it's still coming up. I'll keep trying in case I'm having a bad keyboard day. By the way, I got an error page at one point - love the blurb around 'this page is underperforming .... set it objectives ... allocate it a mentor'! Very amusing! Performance management for web pages. Whoever designed it, I salute you!