Privacy when it comes to sickness absence

An employee has been off sick for a few days, and has emailed today explaining he has been to the doctors and they've signed him off work for a stress related sickness due to recent family issues he has had, nothing to do with work. 

I've asked him for the doctor's note where it specifies the time off he has been recommended to have, but my question is, as I know it's a sensitive issue and it has to be kept private and confidential, am I allowed to inform his direct Line Manager? Am I allowed to let him know the real reasons, or just say stress related sickness?  The company is not big, and I'm worried everybody will end up knowing about this when it should be kept private. 

Thanks for your help in advance.

  • Hi - the line manager does need to know really, both in terms of their responsibility towards the individual (they will need to be suitably supportive when the individual returns to work), and also so that they know that it isn't work related.

    However, they should absolutely be maintaining that confidentiality and if they then 'leak' that information to others, that would really be a disciplinary matter
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Thanks for your quick reply Teresa, much appreciated.