One of the most valuable things I learned from Rob Briner (of this parish) is that there are many types of evidence. It doesn't always have to be a peer reviewed academic paper with findings based on randomized controlled trials.
In the domain of behavioural science, a relatively new site has emerged, known as the Behavioral Evidence Hub, B-hub for short. I think it's a pretty cool resource which, in its own words seeks to bridge "the longstanding gap between research and the real world by collecting evidence-based, behaviorally-informed solutions and bringing them directly to the people who can put them to work."
I really like the idea behind it: showcasing actual interventions and their effect in the real world. Seeing what others have done, where, how and why it worked (or indeed didn't work!) can be as inspiring as an academic study. It can stimulate experimentation, and sharing insights arising from these experiments.
Imagine how something similar for management-related interventions might energize the debate around EBM. What would it take to establish a Management Evidence Hub?