Communication with dismissed employee threatening ET


We dismissed an employee on Friday 20th March (after much debate within the management team over COVID 19 and staffing levels).  This employee has only 7 months of service with my company. 

He has raised this with ACAS, who I spoke to yesterday.  We are not reinstating his position with the company as the management team are concerned over how long we will take to financially recover once the Government Job Retention scheme is over.  He no grounds, to my knowledge, to claim constructive dismissal (i.e. no whistleblowing, race, sex or age grounds)

The ex-employee has sent an email directly to myself and his Director in response to the confirmation of termination letter I sent on the 20th March.  As he is threatening to take this to ET I assume that we should not be engaging directly with him as there is no chance of our decision being reversed.

Am I correct in my thinking?

Thank you

  • You can engage with him if you choose. Or not. Has he appealed?
  • In reply to Keith:

    He has appealed, but lodged the ACAS claim the same day as he appealed. His appeal is based on us making 23 people redundant that day, which is completely incorrect. There were only about 15 people.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith. We have already dealt with his appeal and sent a response in from our MD stating that his final decision is not to reinstate him.
  • In reply to Candice:

    Its a familiar problem at the moment, not helped by Martin Lewis and a lot of desperation.
    As I have said before " if I had a £ for everyone who threatens to go to Tribunal, I would be a rich man".