Annualised Absence Calculation


Within our business at current we are looking at annualised absence percentages. However we have been trialing different formulas for calculating this and are in limbo about which is best to use going forward. Would anyone be able to advise on the most accurate formulas they have used on calculating annualised absence?

Thanks in advance!

  • Two standards way
    Absence as a percentage
    Absence expressed as number of days off
    There are no rules about how to do it but the rising number of part-timers means that is becomes more complicated.

    In a previous job absence levels went up by 0.1% when I arrived, because I did it 'correctly!
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Sorry Molly

    Welcome to the Community
  • As Peter says, no way is "right" in an absolute sense. Where you have people whose hours vary or where you have populations working different durations, then working in %s will neutralise 99% of any calculation problems. %s of what?

    Hours counted as for absenteeism / planned hours worked x100

    Be clear as to what you will include for absenteeism purposes. Obviously holidays will be excluded, but what about territorial army and other absences of this nature. You may also want to do calculations both with and without maternity absence.
    I've also included for each person the number of absence incidents in the year. In one company we excluded long-term absences (2 weeks or more) from one of the calculations because in many cases these absences could be planned for and had little disruptive effect on operational organisation.