What support services do you use?

Hi everyone,

I'd like to set up a business offering support services to HR managers - maybe things like mediators to help resolve conflicts between staff, or training to increase motivation or team performance, consultancy to address employee wellbeing or assistance for handling issues such as mental health problems in staff.

I'm trying to get a feeling for what there's a requirement for, before I set anything up. Would you mind telling me what kind support services you've used in the past, to give me an idea? Also, if you could tell me where you looked, to find the services that you wanted to use, that would be really helpful.  

Many thanks

  • Hi Hannah.

    My advice really would  be start from the other end. Find something you really excel at and then dobthe marketing to see if there is a business opportunity there. You list a very wide and diverse range of activities and it's unlikely that one person could cover them all brilliantly.

    Most of your business will cone from recommendations so being excellent at a small number of things is better than being average at lots.

    What particular skillls and competencies do you have that  the  average HR manager doesn’t have?

    Best of luck.

  • Hi Hannah

    I would echo what Keith has said, focus on a specific service area(s) where you have expertise. I would also add that if you have very specific industry sector experience then target that sector first - expertise plus industry experience is a pretty powerful combination - a significant number of 'buyers' could be swayed into giving you time to discuss what you can offer if they feel you would understand their industry.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    16 Jul, 2018 15:07

    In reply to Robert James Munro:

    I understood Hannah wasn't intending to do everything herself... but to work with associates, etc.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    But I think the advice possibly still stands. Undoubtedly there will be HR managers commissioning all those services and hundreds more. Building a business around a bunch of associates still needs ( IMO) a common thread and reason or I guess a USP. That usually comes from the founder or principals own expertise or skills, when you buy these services there has to be a reason to chose organisation A over B,C , D,E,F....Y,Z.

    So for me I would still be starting with my own experience or skills I guess.
  • Yes, Steve was spot on, that was what I was thinking. Thanks all for your advice - though it would still be useful to know what kind of support services you have used.