Remote/Home Working

We are looking to increase the use of remote and home working to help alleviate the pressure on office space and car parking (as well as the other numerous benefits it will bring in terms of engagement, encouraging a more diverse and inclusive workforce, increasing agility).  Do anyone have any experience of implementing remote working?

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    5 Jan, 2018 10:08

    Hi Serena Osborne... and welcome to the Community.

    As you can imagine, many others have been in this position before and there are numerous threads on here that cover many of the bases.

    These have touched on making sure the work gets done, who pays for costs, and equipment, etc. There are many others that will get returned in any relevant search.

    As you yourself recognise, car parking pressure is not exactly at the top of most lists when looking at the benefits ;)

    There are also some CIPD resources, e.g. factsheets, blog posts and PM articles.

    Anyone else currently going through this process *right now*? 

  • Hi Serena,

    Following from Steve's helpful note, there are also some excellent articles on agile working. When we implemented this, I found the key people challenges were to:

    1) Realign management to focus on work outcomes rather than whether an employee is sitting at his/her desk into the late hours etc. We ran a number of workshops on this.
    2) Obtain buy-in from the top, ideally with members of the Exec/Directors acting as role models by embracing the new approach of working form home.

    Hope this helps.
