People Approach, Intervention and Change

Hi I'm hoping to become a Chartered member in 2022. Having read through the information available it appears the following terms form the majority of the application. Can you please give me real life examples of each of these as I'm in need of inspiration: People approach People intervention People change Thanks NC
  • Welcome to the communities. As it’s your application it might be best if you give it a go first with examples from your experience then I am sure you will get lots of help and advice here.

    The terms are fairly generic and hopefully in your career to date you have demonstrated and experienced many of them.
  • You should hook up with your local CIPD group, as many regional groups have their own volunteers who help applicants to frame their applications constructively.

    In this case, though, I'll give you my thoughts and perhaps a better informed member might offer relevant corrections:

    People approach - When undertaking a project or piece of work, how did you ensure that it was focused on the people who would be affected by it? They're looking for engagement with unions, employee forums, focus groups, test-readers... Anything that shows that the approach was consciously tailored towards the people involved.

    People innovation - A project doesn't have to be revolutionary to be innovative - just something new to the business that isn't a straight off-the-shelf port. So the question is how you used your approach (see above) to create something that was both new to the business and tailored to the business's particular needs or culture.

    People change - "Change management" is usually just newspeak for "redundancies and TUPE", and both of these are reasonable projects to cite in your application. But as a profession, we also see change taking place in cultures, policies, attitudes and processes. Many businesses have been through a dramatic shift of work out of offices and into homes, which is a change that affected people. How you helped make that happen would be a good project. But it could be almost anything that involved a business change that involved people.