Late May bank holiday and Queen's Jubilee

What holidays are private companies giving in 2022? 

Late May day has moved to a Thursday to align with the Jubilee on the Friday.  Will employers be giving the Thursday (late May) in line with normal practice or changing it to giving the Jubilee so that the holiday falls on the Friday? 

  • Hi we have decided to give employees an additional 8 hours to use when they choose, as we can’t ‘shut’ or facilitate everyone being off at the same time.
  • In reply to Joanne:

    How to solve a problem by not seeing it as a problem. Nice one Joanne; I like it!
  • ...and welcome to "Communities", Angela.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    30 Nov, 2021 12:41

    Hi Angela - a BIG welcome to the Community from me, too.

    Take a look at this discussion from October, too.

    Just to note the detail... the May Day bank holiday - usually held on the first Monday in May - will be moved to Thursday 2 June 2022. Together with the additional bank holiday on the Friday, this will create a four-day weekend for the occasion. 

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you for sending this on.
  • I'm wondering what Companies are doing for part time staff? We were thinking of giving one full day to all staff. However, we have some contracted staff who work weekends only so giving one full additional day to them is quite operationally challenging.
  • Hi Laura,
    As this is being viewed as an additional one-off BH, I would suggest calculating pro-rata additional hours for those not on full-time contracts!