Please share your sickness target!

Hello all

As an organisation we are doing some work looking into our Absence Management process in particular at this time sickness absence. As part of our research and scoping activity we are looking externally and possible benchmarking opportunities. It would be great if you feel able to comment on this post with your industry sector, size of organisation and sickness % target. If you're also comfortable sharing your organisations' actual sickness % that would also be helpful.

Many thanks in advance for your comments


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    14 Dec, 2021 15:02

    Welcome to the Community, Rachel.

    In any replies, it would be useful if people could also reference how their framing of what 'absence' means might've changed pre and mid-pandemic.
  • Welcome to the communities Rachel.

    I think this is a bit like quality targets in manufactoring etc.,

    Allow for, say 2% errors. Or in your case 2days absence being acceptable. And you are in effect allowing 2 % of errors. Your errors become acceptable. And in your case, absences of 2 days become acceptable and are often overlooked. A bit like the Bradford factor. Keep below the bar and no one will notice or take action regardless of the reason for absence..

    Yes, many organisations aim for 5% or some other 'acceptable' figure, but end the end you should always be aiming for better targets than you have a t the moment.