Christmas Party 2021! Cancel, or not?

I am seeing articles in City AM and the FT of large companies (EY, Slaughter & May), who are cancelling their large firm wide Christmas parties in favour of smaller teams parties this year (due to Omicron, or Covid generally).

We are only a headcount of 60 and are still deciding what to do. What are you doing?

  • We took the decision not to hold Christmas events this year corporately. We are sending out a gift box instead. We still operate with some restrictions in our workplaces (distancing etc) and it didn't feel right to "suspend" these for work sponsored social gatherings.

    I think its certainly a risk to go ahead with large gatherings but will be all decisions I guess
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    30 Nov, 2021 12:19

    Hi Katherine... and welcome to the Community.

    The question was asked in this thread back in September, but as you suggest, things are all rather fluid again

    Just in case, I'll signpost this discussion from last year!
    What is your organisation doing instead of a Christmas Party?

  • We're not holding a large event. As Keith says, we're working under some restrictions in the office, so it would be counter-intuitive to then squash everyone together. Many people are planning to see more vulnerable family members over the holiday - so this also meant there was low interest in a big company event.

    We are doing the following for people who are in the office:
    - office decorating contest (this was a casual suggestion that has taken off in borderline ridiculous way but I am getting on board with it!)
    - secret santa (people buy something suitable for anyone, and we will mix them up and then go round and distribute them)
    - hybrid quiz for office and home people (making the most of that video-conferencing equipment)

    Teams are then celebrating separately. Some are choosing to have a lunch, but many are choosing something with a shorter time in a restaurant, such as coffee and cake only.
  • We've got something booked and are debating what the right thing is to do. Heavy heart and all that, but I don't feel that it would be responsible to go ahead.
  • Thank you all for your responses, very helpful
    All the best
  • We had already decided that there would be no 2021 company Christmas party as we were unsure what would happen later in the year. We also still have mandatory mask wearing for all staff on site so it was counter-intuitive to then scrap that for a party for nearly 80 people.

    Some of us are doing our own mini Christmas between departments. So for example myself and our HSE/Quality team are going for a Christmas meal together and our Customer Support teams are doing their own things as well.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    30 Nov, 2021 14:02

    In reply to Sarah:

    ...feel free to share a pic here of the winning decorating entry Sarah ;) I'm sure it will be impressive!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    30 Nov, 2021 16:39

    In reply to Steve Bridger:


    PM presser: Johnson says people should not cancel Christmas parties due to concerns about Omicron

    Q: People are cancelling nativity plays and Christmas parties. Are they over-reacting?

    Johnson says they do not want people to cancel events like Christmas parties and nativity plays.


    Not yet, anyway.

  • We have a Christmas party booked for our company of 40 - it’s been highlighted as both a business and personal risk (if we all get covid, it’ll be a very early shutdown for Christmas, given the party is on the 10th…!).

    Equally, the vast majority of our teams are really keen to meet up after almost two years of really quite miserable times. As everyone else has said, it’s a tough call, although the decision to cancel may be made for us if the new variant really takes off over the next couple of weeks.
  • We have decided not to go ahead with our large Christmas party this year, there are a couple of smaller do's (organised separately) that a few groups are doing.

    It's a shame because people really enjoy the Christmas party as it's a chance to get together with all the Company groups but fingers crossed for next year!

    We are doing a Christmas Jumper day and our Chairman is buying everyone a pizza instead on our last day. Last year we did a few silly things (put a paper plate on your head and draw a snowman, guess how many baubles on the Christmas tree) so I think I will organise a couple of things like that again.
  • We have decided not to have one this year simply due to the risk. We decided this before the new variant and recent scaremongering in the news. This is due to the fear what if someone caught covid at the party & got seriously ill, we wouldn't want that to happen.

    We are instead sending out gifts to all employees.
  • Ours is going ahead but we have had quite a lot of people drop out due to concerns. I'm struggling with the fact that we are still mostly WFH and limiting people in the office and still maintaining 2m social distancing and all the other stuff, yet we'll soon all be p*ssed as newts all hugging and singing in each others faces, getting drinks mixed up and ex-smokers cadging the last few drags of someone else's cig because that doesn't count etc etc..........urgh..........I say all, not me, I'll probably be the grinch sat in the corner wincing every time someone gets within a 5m radius of anyone else.

    I've lost family members and a friend to Covid and I still have covid related problems now so personally I'm dreading it a bit but as HR I feel like I need to go to show my face and show a bit of solidarity with those who have organised it, a lot of effort has gone into it and its going to be a very glam event. But the 'sensible' part of me is saying its probably not a good idea to have it :(
  • In reply to Samantha:

    That sounds like a really tough situation, Samantha, and it sounds like you've got a fair number of misgivings about going - I know it's an unsolicited opinion, as you didn't ask, but I guess I wanted to say that there should be no shame or guilt if you decide not to go - yes, you're HR (we all pretty much are in this community) but that doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge our own feelings and worries, and look after ourselves at the same time as looking out for others. If it doesn't feel right for you to go, don't put pressure on yourself to 'show up' simply for others - it's totally ok to choose not to go
  • We decided to ask our staff what they would prefer, a whole office party or a voucher (as we did last year), the response was 60:40 in favour of a party, although we have had a few drop out of the party this week following news of the new variant, but it's still split pretty evenly. Those who don't book on the party will receive a voucher.
  • I have 2 clients who have adjusted their plans as follows:
    1. small teams events only to manage risk (as someone said, can't afford to have a high number of infections / isolations as it would compromise ability to run business)
    2. postponed until January, a small gift instead in the meantime as a an end of year thank you