Mindful Business Charter

Does anyone have experience with introducing the Mindful Business Charter in their originations, what are the pro's and con's, and apart from the obvious differences, how does this differ from Investors in People?

  • Never heard of it. Here's a link I found for anyone in the same position:


    After a quick scan, it looks *very* different to IiP, which is very much an evidence-driven appraisal process. It's been a long time since I last engaged with IiP but, when I did, just gathering the data took at least three months and multiple board-level meetings to adjust practice and evidence-collecting procedures to meet the IiP standards. IiP was primarily about accounting for personal and professional development, training and record-keeping. As the name implies, it's about promoting a culture of continuous professional development and literal investment in employees.

    I quite like the look of Mindful Business, which seems more about adopting business practices that seek to avoid placing unmanageable pressure upon employees - addressing the question of personal control that is so critical in procedures like stress risk assessment.

    That said, the requirement to "introduce the Mindful Business Charter to one new member every 12 months" does sound a wee bit... MLM-y...
  • I too have never heard of it but followed the link. It does look entirely different to IiP etc (and I am not a fan of Iip)

    It looks worthy but may well just eb another badge to add to corporate letter heads