Dissertation Questionnaire, Please fill in!!! :)

Hello All,

I'm Josh, currently in my 3rd and final year of my Business Management Degree, those that have done a Degree will understand the hardship of a dissertation and trying to get accurate date to carry out the study.

I have signed up to CIPD, in hope I can get some fantastic individuals to complete my questionnaire (all generic questions, no personal data collected and all anonymous). This would be a massive help for me to carry out my research and hopefully complete my Degree in May 2022.

My Questionnaire : https://forms.gle/wteLyb16h4BDio6F8

I have attached a link to my google forms questionnaire, the questionnaire is around how flexible working effects work-life balance. I think we can all agree it has been a tough few years for everyone and my questionnaire will give an understanding how businesses have reacted and how well your work-life balance is.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and your participants in helping a student with their questionnaire.