Dismissal of an Employee who hasn't worked


Hope you can help, I just wanted to see what others think.

We have someone who worked for us for 2 years.  The project they were on finished and they agreed to take unpaid leave as they wanted to do some personal things.  This was in November 2019.  This remained, during Covid and he was aware and accepted that he no longer received benefits, or accrued any annual leave (from Nov 2019), and he remained on payroll (receiving nil).  During the time he moved to Cornwall from London and we've not heard from him.  I think the time has come to take him off the payroll and send him a nice letter ending his employment.

Are there any pitfalls I need to be wary of?

Thank you for your help.

  • Two ways this will go

    One you write to them, everything is great, and you all conclude it amicably.

    Second, they claim still to be an employee (you recognise that) and want notice pay plus holiday pay. You are in effect dismissing them

    Probably the first is more likely but the second is possible.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Also, if you were to anticipate the second and just agree to pay them holiday and notice as severance it would be a much more amicable parting of ways should you want to call on their services again in the future.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Thank you both. In a strange twist of fate he got in touch, and asked if we could end his contract. Stroke of luck. Thanks for your help.