Refusing to pay half of mileage

So a friend of mine has a boss who is often volatile.

They have said they will be deducting half of a mileage claim as on the form the journey was recorded as "Postcode A to Postcode B" followed by "return journey".

Boss says they will not pay return journey as Postcode B to Postcode A was not written out again...

Am I correct in thinking this is not a deduction from wages as it is an expense? 

The form has been filled out this way for 6 months and has been paid- now its not acceptable and they will be with holding half of the claim...

Any suggestion on what friend should do? 

  • Hi Lyndsey

    Fairly sure it counts only as an expense so not as wages etc.

    Could put in a formal grievance / refuse to use own vehicle in future / claim tax relief from HMRC on the refused business mileage / find a more reasonable employer

  • In reply to David:

    All stems from boss doing January sales reports and it isn't good enough so looking to punish people/ humiliate them in front of peers by making an example! I think find a more reasonable employer is the right idea!

  • In reply to Lyndsey Hancock:

    It's probably breach of contract as well as mutual trust and confidence (could stress all that in possible grievance)