Company car removal

Hi all,

In total, 4 members of my team were given a company car when they were recruited for their first role in my organisation. Two of them returned their cars during the pandemic because they weren't using them and two of them kept them because they had them for personal use as well (although the organisation wasn't paying for the personal usage). These 4 members are currently going through a change process and their new ringfenced role doesn't require travelling. It's home based with occasional travelling and doesn't meet of enough mileage to be entitled to have a company car. They responsibilities will increase slightly so they have received a salary increase of 8%. However, they are also asking for a compensation for removing the car for them although the car was originally attached to a job that it required travelling, but not anymore.

Do you think they should receive a compensation for the car removal?

Many thanks

  • Largely it will depend on the contractual basis they had the car on and if it was very clear that it was mileage / role dependant. Even if you were clear it’s a huge step to take away a car without some form of Transition arrangements.some organisations would pay and others would allow 6-12 months usage.

    it’s relatively unusual to ring fence them and then pay them more   

  • On top of Keith's point, I'd add that there has, historically, been an element of status involved in being a company car driver that cannot be overlooked. If company cars are associated with senior managers, directors, key sales leads and similar, then losing a company car can represent a perceived loss of status that, in a change management scenario, may result in a disagreement over what constitutes suitable alternative employment.

    Just one more reason why employers are increasingly moving away from company cars and into car allowance payments.

  • In reply to Keith:

    • Hi Keith, thank you. Yes, we are going to allow 6 months usage after being in the new role (which doesnt requiere a car). Sorry what do you mean by ring fence and payment? To clarify, it is a new role and the main additional responsibility is managing a regional team. They wanted to keep their options open and for them to have the opportunity to opt out/redundancy if the new role doesn’t appeal to them. These new responsibilities will be rewarded with 8% salary increase.