** If you are experiencing issues logging in to this community... **

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

8 Feb, 2022 11:15

We'd like to apologise for the continued less than optimum experience using this Community.

We upgarded the platform a week ago... and you've been telling us about the issues you've been having - especially logging in. We're working on fixing this, but it would be useful if a few of you volunteered to come forward so that we could take you through a step-by-step process to better understand the issue... and confirm what we think is the problem.

As a general rule, we're recommending everyone to clear down their cookie / browser history *... then login in via the main CIPD website and navigate to the Community. 

We have also had to temporarily turn off 'notifications' to prevent you all being inundated with emails. We're identified a solution fro this and are aiming to reinstate notifications in the next day or two.

Our sincere apologies once again.


* For example, if you are using the Chrome browser...

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • At the top right, click More 
  • Click More tools. Clear browsing data.
  • At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
  • Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.
  • Click Clear data.
  • Hi Steve

    When logged into   Discussion Forums it was losing the login there and not letting me log in again there even though going to main CIPD site still showed me as logged into that one - so the only way to log into the specific discussions site was to log out of the main CIPD site and to log in again and then that seemed automatically to log me into the discussions site.

    That was after clearing cookies etc but have done that again, based on your example above, so will see what happens now   

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    9 Feb, 2022 08:09

    In reply to David:

    Thanks,David. Yes, this was what seemed to be happening for some. The team is trying to fix this. Apologies.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I had the same problem at the beginning of last week.  Then perfect behaviour for a week (without clearing cookies).  Then, this morning, the same experience as David's.  So maybe it's an intermittent glitch?

  • In reply to Caroline:

    Just to add: when I started this morning, I could read the latest threads, but had no access to the forums. The like/unlike function presented as up/down arrows; when I tried to "like" a post, I got a picture of a person who'd already liked it, but my own "like" had no effect.

    After logging out on the main site and logging in again, I've regained access to the forums.  The "like/unlike" function has returned to its old format and it works.  Mystifying!

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    9 Feb, 2022 12:37

    In reply to Caroline:

    Hi Caroline - the up/down arrows only replaced the 'Like' button within this group (Community feedback). The 'Like' button remains in all other groups, which might be a little confusing.

    We'd like to hear what people think of this 'thresded post' functionality (which we're used to seeing on e.g. Facebook). We're keen to reinstate the 'Like' functionality already though.

    Apologies for the teething issues.

  • Hi Steve, it seems it doesn't like you asking to remain logged on. I've done all the cache clearing etc but unless I log out and back in again, it keeps taking me to a log-in prompt when I am already logged in. 

  • Hi Steve, the cookie clearing thing didn't help me, but I did just speak to someone lovely at the CIPD who has helped.  Thanks for arranging.  I'm told hopefully the logging in issue should be fixed tomorrow...

  • Hi Steve

    I cannot find the Centre's Hub.   

    I am the CIPD Co-ordinator for City of Glasgow College and have accessed the hub countless times over the past few years so I'm wondering if something has been "thrown off" with the recent upgrade?

    I've tried the clearing cookies advice to no avail.

    Any assistance gratefully received.

    Kind regards


    David Bovaird

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Mar, 2022 21:14

    In reply to City of Glasgow College:

    Hi David - yes, there were some issues, which have largely been resolved. You should now have access. Apologies.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve,  access successfully restored, thank you!

    Kind regards
