Fun employee initiatives

Hi everyone,

Would love to hear of fun initiatives you have implemented in your organisations. 

Previously we have done movement challenges, made pancakes on pancake day etc and we are always looking for new things to do. 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    22 Mar, 2022 14:02

    Hi Sophie and welcome to the Community.

    Some (pre-COVID) ideas... although I'm not 100% sure it's what you're looking for.
    Fun day out for employees...

  • We did a scavenger hunt-style challenge in Jan/feb this year. We set three things that people needed to find each week (for example, someone wearing a woolly hat, your town sign, a bird). The aim was to give people an incentive to get outside either on their lunch breaks or at the weekends. We shared all the photos each week on Teams chat, and the photo in each category with the most ‘likes’ won a small prize. It was quick to do, but fun to see the photos and have a quick chat on Teams. More people joined in that I thought would!
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    22 Mar, 2022 16:46

    Sometimes you can do discovery hour type things where you invite a guest and people can tune in and listen to them on their specialist subject/ ask questions etc. I remember we once had one from a speaker at somewhere like Marwell Zoo with 'animal cam' or was I delirious at this point over lockdown?! I think it was aimed at employees' children who were at home at the time but the adults enjoyed it too!

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    22 Mar, 2022 17:13

    In reply to Johanna:

    Delirious ;)

  • In reply to Maya:

    Hi Maya, thanks for this. This sounds like the sort of thing our employees would enjoy! Great idea.

  • In reply to Johanna:

    Thanks Johanna, I like the sound of this to haha