Hi All
I have been asked to find out what our employee satisfaction or happiness score is for working in our company. Despite discussing with him how measuring employee engagement is tough because it is hard to define and complex because you can be happy at work but not get enough feedback from your line manager or you can get a ton of feedback but have no opportunity for growth or you can have the opportunity for growth but no work life balance, and diligently going through various metrics i.e feedback, recognition, happiness, relationship with peers, relationship with managers, personal growth, alignment, satisfaction, wellness, ambassadorship, the COO is still adamant there is just one measure that will tell him how 'happy/satisfied' we all are.
I have come across the employee satisfaction index and these 3 questions:
How satisfied are you with your workplace?
How well does your workplace meet your expectations?
How close is your workplace to your ideal job?
I think these will do the trick but in order to 'convince' the COO, (it is frustrating!) where can I find the research that says these are THE questions to ask.