No - a number of hourly paid people will receive their actual money monthly. The two aren't necessarily connected.
However there may be administrative or contractual reasons why the employer prefers to pay hourly paid people weekly.
Some people however refer to "Monthly pay" as shorthand for a salaried/fixed amount - the two aren't connected. You can be paid a fixed amount weekly or monthly or a variable amount based on hours worked weekly or monthly (or 4 weekly or fortnightly or almost anything else). Its largely down to contract.
Many employers have moved towards monthly pay for their own convenience over the past 20-30 years.
In reply to Keith:
When we engage "casual" workers (on very short term or very fractional contracts) the offer of engagement states that they will be paid an hourly rate of x (which is aligned to our pay and grading structure) and that salary will be paid monthly on submission of time sheet.Visit the main CIPD website
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