Including contractors and pending leavers in engagement survey?

Hi all, 

What are your views on including contractors and pending leavers in an engagement survey? 

I am tempted to include the contractors as we want to make them feel involved, but I wonder if it's going to confuse the understanding of their employment status (might not be relevant as many of them are based overseas, but still).

In terms of pending leavers, I am tempted to exclude them, as the fact that they are leaving already points to the fact of low engagement, and their reasons will be identified and discussed in their exit interviews. 

Your thoughts will be really appreciated. 

Thank you,


  • I would include pending leavers. Yes they may well have views but excluding them may distort the results more the other way.

    I don't include contractors
  • In reply to Keith:

    Not all leavers will necessarily be low engagers. And if they are still employees at the point of the survey, why would you exclude them? It will lead to a suspicion as articulated by Keith that you are looking for positive responses rather than truthful responses.
    For the contractors, can you not say you are interested in their views given their connection with the company? Or just even call it employee/contractor engagement survey?