HM Queen Elizabeth II's State Funeral - managing extra bank holiday

Now that this has been announced, how do you think your organisation will process this extra day? Most of our colleagues have a standard 28 days (including Bank holidays) The jubilee was added as an extra day.

  • Most employers will do what they did for the jubilee
  • I concur, they will add it to the entitlement or allow it off that day if the business supports it.
  • Just for clarification legally are businesses required to give the day off
  • In reply to Rachel Ann Henshaw:

    Legally probably not but it will be dependant on how your contracts are written.

    But I wouldn’t let that be my deciding factor.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Sep, 2022 06:57

    Hi Marnie... and welcome to the Community. 

    The GOV.UK website says this is all "a matter for discussion between individuals and their employer", so a good question. For reference, here are a couple of discussion threads from the summer re the jubilee.

     Jubilee Holiday 

    2022 Bank Holiday - Platinum Jubilee query on part time workers

    ...and from 2010

    RE: The Royal Wedding: a day off and related issues

  • In reply to Rachel Ann Henshaw:

    Technically, it may depend on how you frame you contracts. If they are, for example, that holiday is "24 days, plus public holidays" then you will be contractually obliged to honour public holidays, no matter how many there are.

    If, on the other hand, it was "32 days including all public holidays" then any additional public holidays just end up being pre-booked days off out of the existing allowance.

    In either case, they still get the day off, but in the former it's a bonus, whereas in the latter, it's just another day out of the allowance.

    Finally, if you say "32 days" without any mention of public holidays, you're not contractually obligated to allow the day off at all.

    But as Keith points out, this should not really be the deciding factor. Your employees will judge you, culturally, based on how you decide to handle it and this will say something about your organisation and your leadership. You just have to decide whether that something is OK or not.
  • Hi Marnie, We have 20 days plus bank holidays in our contract so we're just treating it as another bank holiday much like the jubilee. I have been asked though by someone who has annual leave booked that day if they can have a day off in lieu for it. I've not come across TOIL because leave falls on a bank holiday before - I wondered what other people thought of this?
  • In reply to Robey:

    We have a new starter scheduled for that day and have agreed with them to amend the date on the contract accordingly to the following day but should we pay them for the bank holiday they are now not working and leave the date on contract as is?

  • Steve Bridger

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    12 Sep, 2022 09:01

    In reply to Louise Andrews:

    I wouldn't amend the start day to be honest... but what do others think?
  • In reply to Louise Andrews:

    Hi Louise

    We've got a new starter on that day too and we're not planning to amend the start date, just have him come in on the Tuesday instead of the Monday
  • In reply to Emily :

    Thank you Emily and Steve. I will leave as is and notify payroll to pay for the Monday.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Sep, 2022 10:18

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Interesting point... re this being short notice (although most critical orgs will have made Operation London Bridge plans).

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Sep, 2022 10:24

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    For info, attached is the circular sent to all local govt employers.
    Circ NJC HM Queen's State Funeral 12Sep22.pdf

  • In reply to Rachel:

    Could they not just cancel that specific day's holiday?
  • We are giving the day as an additional paid day off, same as what we done for jubilee.

    Now because this one was decided at short notice - we have 6 people already booked off on 19th - annual leave. Do we give them a day in lieu? Or just leave it that they keep to their plans and they take their annual leave? I fell inclined to give them a day in lieu - any thoughts?