HM Queen Elizabeth II's State Funeral - managing extra bank holiday

Now that this has been announced, how do you think your organisation will process this extra day? Most of our colleagues have a standard 28 days (including Bank holidays) The jubilee was added as an extra day.

  • In reply to Justine:

    I wondered this too Justine but I think if you have staff on sick or leave on that day and you are giving them the day back, then it seems appropriate and fair to also give part timers the time back too.
  • In reply to James:

    We are doing the same thing - a bit like Christmas Day when during the week.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    13 Sep, 2022 07:26

    In reply to Ross MacRae:

    On that topic, I liked Keith's comment (and analogy) here.

  • In reply to James:

    Hi James

    Yes vaguely similar position, is your business set up so you can allow people to WFH that day so they can watch the funeral etc.?

    Appreciate it doesn't help resolve the unused annual leave issue but at least it won't add to it in some areas if you have already got people off that day?

    Or do half hol/half discretionary day off?
  • In reply to Justine:

    Can I further complicate this question and see what people's thoughts are?

    My original thought was to close down on the day, give people an extra day's holiday, and any part-timers who don't work on Monday get a pro-rata entitlement to use up at a later day.

    My dilemma is as follows: I have part-time staff who are due to work a full 7h on Monday. It seems unfair to pro rata their entitlement for the day and ask them to cover the rest with their normal A/L given that we're suddenly choosing to close. But equally unfair to give them the full 7h, but pro rata other part timers' AL due to not working on Monday specifically?
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Not a bad shout, appreciate the suggestion.

    We are an operator of leisure facilities so unfortunately working from home isn't an option for us.
  • Hi All, 

    I'm sure this must have cropped up in other schools, I've had several part time support staff who don't usually work a Monday ask whether they will get a day in lieu for the Queens funeral in recognition of the bank holiday. We gave lieu days for the Jubilee, however, this situation feels very different and schools have been told to close. What are other schools doing? 

    Many thanks


  • In reply to Laura:

    We hare only offering a pro rata addition of leave for part time workers, but have offered the option for them to switch their working day for that week (i.e. if they would normally work Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs, switching to work Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri). That way, they don't work on the Bank Holiday, and can use the additional hours elsewhere in the year.
  • In reply to Jenny:

    In my mind I'm treating it like a snow day Jen. If we closed as a school because of snow, we wouldn't allow everyone who wasn't working that day to take a different day off. We're being asked to close by the DfE at short notice, for an entirely appropriate reason - so I'm only including anyone who would have been working that day. Hope that helps!
  • I'm in the NHS (acute and community services). We're stepping back some "routine" ops and appointments, but providing a bit more of a service than we usually would on a weekend/bank holiday, because it's short notice. Staff are have an additional 1/5 of their weekly contracted hours added to their annual leave entitlement. If they are working, they'll be paid enhancements and have the leave to book later. If they were due to work and their service is closed, they'll need to book the day as annual leave (using some of their "normal" holiday allowance if the additional leave allowance doesn't cover it). Staff who don't work Mondays, are on leave etc still get the 1/5 to use at a later date. Staff off sick don't accrue leave in respect of public holidays under our contracts (our basic leave allowance is well in excess of statutory)
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    13 Sep, 2022 12:01

    In reply to Emily:

    Thanks for sharing that info, Emily. I'd posted (first page of this thread) about a tweet I read about the impact on the NHS, given the short notice, etc.
  • We have done the same as what we did for the Jubilee. Everyone will get the day off and part time workers will be entitled to their proportion of the day.
  • We are treating the day as we do any other Public Holiday. Many of our staff work Public Holidays (we are a 24/7/365 business) and their usual arrangements will apply with either a lieu day if worked and premium rates will also apply. Those staff who do not normally work will just have the day off paid as a Public Holiday.

    In reality we are processing 10 Public Holidays in this current holiday year and part-time staff have that allowance pro-rated.