I am hoping someone can assist me with a sanity check!
We have an employee who has just received her decree absolute and wants to revert back to her maiden name. However, the absolute does not state her maiden name just her married name. Normally, I ask for accompanying documents to confirm that the name has officially changed; either from solicitors or deed poll office.
The employee has handed me a form this morning from HM Courts and Tribunal Services and there is a section that refers to divorce papers (doesn't state what papers) and states that this is enough to change your surname with your employer. She is quite adamant that she is not paying to change her name.
I am uncomfortable with changing her surname on payroll and contractual documents without documentation that states she has officially denounced her married name. However, I may be a it out of date as I know there was a change to divorce papers in 2022 and I may have missed something that confirms a decree absolute is enough.
Does anyone have any advice?
Thank you