Pension contribution


We want to revise our employer pension contribution as of the moment.  We are only contributing 3% and want to increase it. I wonder if you can share what your company contributes to get enough information to influence my directors decision?

Thank you

  • S if you really need to influence your Directors decision then you should search / buy a survey on contribution rates. At best on here you will only get an un representative sample - no one should make a decision based on that
  • In reply to Keith:

    You should also be exploring linking their higher contributions to your higher contributions
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith, where can I search for this survey? I have data from ONS.
  • In reply to S:

    Hi Shradda

    Do you have eg this from ONS?


    Public Sector Defined Benefit Schemes typically cost 20% or thereabouts in employer contributions whereas Private Sector Schemes tend to be Defined Contribution with 3% employer contribution the absolute minimum.

    If you're competing with employers in the public sector then a big lot more than 3% is going to be needed; if not, it's going to be very sector / industry / employee seniority level - related but I'd have thought 5%++ necessary if your employer wants to stand any chance of maintaining a competitive edge in recruitment - sometimes much more.

    And as Peter observes, expecting employees to enhance their own contributions is often applied - eg employer will contribute such as 10% as opposed to statutory minimum provided employees' own contributions at least match that 10%. So in that scenario, employees paying say 15% employee contribution get pension pots building up at a total rate of 25% of earnings. Factor in the tax relief, and that's something like half-decent pension provision