Looking for advice AWOL

An employee has been have marital issues, we have offered him time off to support all of which has been refused. Last night at midnight I recieved a msg to say he will be off tomorrow, as he is off to a festival, he needs to get away. I called him this morning to which he has confirmed he is away. Advice on how I approach this, as I understand he is going through personal issues,however, I don't want to set a standard that this is acceptable behaviour to the remaining employees
  • Hmm, I find it hard to believe he's decided to go to a festival on whim at midnight last night. Surely he must have had to book a ticket, pack, organise travel etc?

    I would treat this as you normally would for AWOL - meet with him when he returns, hear what he has to say, sanction as appropriate. Reiterate that the offer of time off to support him through his difficulties has parameters and make sure he knows what those parameters are.
  • Hello Vicky, echo the good advice about following your AWOL procedure and discuss when they come back.

    It's reasonable to also think that he may have been only offered the ticket last night (as someone else had pulled out) and in the midst of what sounds like a difficult situation - made a snap decision to go and have a change of scene.

    Best talk to him on his return and establish the facts.

  • In reply to Nicola Reed:

    Good point Nikki - I'm the sort of person who books a holiday a year in advance and can't function without making a packing list several weeks before we go! :-D