electric car mileage

Hi all, I am interested if anyone is doing anything differently for mileage rate expenses other than the 45p rate under HMRC or the advisory rates for company cars? many thanks Katharine
  • Electric car rates are 5p per mile. I suspect it might be going up at bit next year, what with the massive growth of that part of the market and of electricity rates.
  • Hi Katherine,

    To follow on from Robey's reply, the 5pence mileage rate only applies to business trips in company EVs - privately owned EV mileage is still payable at the 45pence rate, since that is meant to cover wear and tear, maintenance and other costs for owning and running a roadworthy vehicle.

    Alternatively, charge costs for business trips can be claimed via expenses with receipts.

    This link may be of use:


    Kindest regards,