HR Team Structure

Hello everybody, 

I wondered if you can share with me your HR team structures? 

I am a HR Manager for a small charity of 150 staff without a HR system so very manual work. 

I am looking to put a proposal together for what the HR team should look like to help drive forward our strategy of growth. 

I would be interested to learn how many employees (FTE equivalents) are in your teams and in what roles. 

Whether you have opted for HR systems over headcount and if so what HR system did you opt for? 

If you have any additional advice, I would really appreciate it . 

Thanks in advance. 


  • Hi Laura,

    Until recently the structure was just me. HR Manager for about 80 employees. I recently brought in an apprentice so now it's 1 HR Manager and 1 HR Apprentice for those circa 80 employees.
  • There is me (HR director) and one other (HR officer) who are both full time, looking after about 200 permanent staff and about 100 ad hoc staff, workers, contractors etc. I get a little time from another member of staff too.

    I brought in an HR database about 2 years ago to help automate a lot of the systems, and while that's definitely helping with consistent, accurate and timely HR information and communications, I wouldn't see it as reducing the need for headcount in the short term at all - rather the opposite, as you set up all the systems and data that the thing will draw on. We use Natural HR if that helps at all.

    Good luck.