Employment Law Update Alerts

Hi All

Sorry this is a bit of a random post for these discussion groups, but I was keen to find out from the community, any recommended regular employment law email alerts to sign up to? I am keen to look at getting some regular email updates on employment law etc. and this seems like the best place to ask this type of question!

Any other alerts that you have found very useful to sign up to from an HR perspective would also be welcome.  

Thank you in advance :-)


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    19 Jul, 2021 13:11

    Hi Claire,

    I usually share the CIPD employment law update (for tutors and students) on this Community as I think they are a great resource for all.

    This is also a really good resource...


  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you Steve, this is great
  • Hello Claire,

    I can recommend signing up to Daniel Barnett's bulletins: www.danielbarnett.co.uk/ I have received updates from him for many years, since my studying days! He also has some great You Tube content which is worth a watch.
  • Hi Claire, this isn't random at all. Two great sources below. Daniel Barnett also does a regular LBC radio show - which I haven't listened to and has a You Tube channel which I've watched.

    The CIPD has some excellent courses as well as updates. The branch events can be good to keep an eye on too.

    Check in with your employment law advisors. They do events, newsletters and other learning opportunities as part of their brand building and business development so well worth subscribing too.

    Finally, I've found Jaluch HR quite helpful. Pragmatic useful newsletters and articles with the HR/Employment law vibe. I like to keep in touch even though it's not my core specialism and all these sources help.

    Good luck.
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Welcome to the community Samantha. :-)
  • Hi Claire,

    Another shout out for Daniel Barnett here too! Also, Mills and Reeve do excellent employment law updates and webinars on things: their style is really engaging and commercially focused too so it feels like you get a sense of practical application with the law.
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    I also use Daniel Barnett and find the case law very interesting. I'm also on the email list of many employment law firms, from attending the odd seminar, so I probably get 5 or 6 updates per week from them. Sometimes its really interesting to see how they analyse the same case.