Employee engagement survey

Hello All,

I am currently completing an assignment for my CIPD level 5 qualification - investigating employee engagement and retention levels.

I have created an anonymous survey to look at 'employee engagement'  views and ideas.

I would be really grateful if you could complete it. It's really simple and will only take a few minutes. The link is below.

Thanks so much,



  • Hi Abi, I have completed your survey, this is an emotive subject as there are so many variables. Your last question relating to why employees leave is hard to select one answer as there can be any number of reasons. Good luck with the survey and your course.
  • Hi Abi
    I’ve also completed for you and again wanted to tick a number of responses to your last question.
  • In reply to Joanne Barraclough:

    Thank you so much for the feedback and for taking the time to fill out the survey.
    I really appreciate it - Abi
  • In reply to Alice:

    Hi Alan,
    Thank you so much for the feedback and for taking the time to fill out my survey.
    Really appreciated.
  • For the final question I have answered management style, on the basis that if ALL the other indicators are on green and this one is RED, then turnover will occur as sure as night follows days. I couldn't say the same for the other indicators - this particular question really has a lot more answers than those suggested.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and complete my survey. Really appreciate it
  • Thanks all for completing my survey.
    This is really helpful and appreciated.